Managed Services
- Many Banks and Financial Institutions have a demand to integrate Managed Services either
partially or fully. Managed Services reduce the cost strain, attract proposition of operational
excellence. With quick technology advancements, the burden of maintaining and upgrading
IT infrastructure can also be tackled by Managed Services.
- Managed Services for banks will help capitalize on our existing infrastructure business
know-how and hands-on experience. Thus, OMA Managed Services will cover leasing of
Terminal and POS Services, POS Network Services, ATMs, Remote IT Infrastructure and
Payment Solutions.
- To suite the unique business demands of banks, OMA Managed Services also covers POS
Support Services for Banks and Financial Institutions. This service shall cover support
services for the new POS terminals supplied or existing POS base, peripherals and supplies
and shall not only be cost beneficial but will also adhere and support all Payment Card
Industry (PCI) compliance standards.
- With the ATM services, OMA Managed Services is capable of providing essential ATM network
management for banks to provide services to their customers. The fully compliant ATM
services are provided using tried and tested software and mandated international standards
- The one-stop-shop array of OMA Managed Services introduced both on and off site for
Banks and Financial Institutions provides higher level competencies with strong Service
Level Agreements (SLA) that guarantee the best ROI. OMA Emirates offers this service to the
Middle East, Asia and parts of Europe.
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